This little feral kitten became deathly ill at 3 weeks. I called the vet(woke her out of bed!) at 6:00 a.m. The doctor told me to bring him right in. He was put into an oxygen tank and forced fed, and given fluids under the skin. I went to visit him and asked if I could stay overnight to keep force feeding him. (Since vet offices don't have night time staff) They have a couch in the reception room where I slept.
I got up every 2 hours to feed him. After 2 days of being limp and lifeless, he finally pulled through. He is fine, playful and happy. We kept him and named him D.J.
Friday, February 27, 2009
This Little Feral Nearly Died
Thursday, February 26, 2009
How I found these kittens
How I found these kittens: One day, a calico cat was coming to my house and eating alot of the food that I put outside. I noticed that she was eating way more than the average, feral cat. I got suspicious and figured she might be pregnant. Next day, I followed her on my bike (praying that the neighbors weren't watching since I was going thru yards). She led me to a neighborhood about 6 blocks from mine. I knocked on the door of the home she ran to. The lady told me that she indeed had a calico cat hanging around and that it had a bunch of kittens. She gave me permission to trap everyone and to find homes for the little ones. I also trapped the mom, spayed her and returned her to the lady's yard (with her permission). They all got wonderful homes!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Pretty Kitties
Here are some pretty pictures of feral kittens that I caught, raised and adopted out. Note: ALL KITTENS ARE CUTE, BUT NOT ALL PICTURES I TAKE DUE THEM JUSTICE!
So, here are a few good pictures that I took!

D.J. Fluff

Velvet Truffles & Dolly