Are You one of many that are feeding one or maybe several stray cats that have found their way to your backyard? I commend you, they all need help. But there's one problem to this, these sweet, sad little things reproduce in alarming numbers. Either you'll find kittens in your yard, or they'll go somewhere else to have kittens. And the cycle goes on and on and on...............................
YOU can help stop this vicous cycle. Get yourself a "live" trap. Several brands are sold at Ace Hardware, some Walmarts, or online. You can even borrow one from your local Animal Control, police department or animal shelter. Next:
1. Set the trap early evening.
2. Don't put out anymore food for that night (or whenever you feed them)
3. Go back into the house.
4. Check the trap often.
5. If no one is in there by the time you go to bed, close the trap by setting if off.
6. If someone is in there, Congratulations!
7. Throw an old blanket/towel over the trap (very important to calm the cat)
8. Bring the trap with cat into your garage.
10. Bring the cat in the trap to a low cost shelter to be spayed/neutered.
11. When you bring him/her back home (the same day) put the trap with cat back into your garage to heal. You may want to stick a very small litter box in there along with food and water.
12. Keep the male for 2 days, females 4/5 days.
13. Then carry the trap outside, open door and release the cat!
Now you have prevented another heartbreaking litter from being born.
Note: When setting the trap, use TUNA FISH (human kind). Dribble the juice only on the grass near the entrance. Dribble more juice leading to the back of the trap. Put a small amount of tuna at the back, then set the trap.
If you need more details or have questions, post them in the comments and I will answer back!